1/48 German Haunebu Model Kit built

The SS E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4), a development unit of the SS occult “Order of the Black Sun” was tasked with researching alternative energies to make the Third Reich independent of scarce fuel oil for war production. Their work included developing alternative energies and fuel sources through coal gasification, research into grain alcohol fuels, less complicated coal burning engines for vehicles and generators, as well as highly advanced liquid oxygen turbines, total reaction turbines, AIP (Air Independent Propulsion) motors and even EMG (Electro-Magnetic-Gravitic) engines.

This group developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler’s free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule Triebwerk (Thrustwork, a.ka. Tachyonator-7 drive) and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc. For wartime security reasons the name was shortened to Haunebu in 1939.

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[Credit and more info: DiscAircraft.]

Hello folks!
Sometime ago we did a 2 in 1 Review of the German Haunebu and George Adamski from Hand & Head Models. I decided that it was time to address this model and finally I did it last week. It was meant to be an in-box review but the German Haunebu and Foo Fighters have always been a topic of my interest. Some of you might remember my humble attempt at a scratch build with found stuff Nazi UFO back in 2012. Well, I wasn’t that off from what Hand & Head would release 2 years later in 2014.

As you can see from the pictures, the cockpit is divided in 3 command centers with 2 chairs on each side. They can easily accommodate 1/48 figures. As I pointed out during the in-box review, the George Adamski version of this kit is labeled as 1/72 because of the distance size George Adamski himself described. If we use the chairs around the cockpit as a reference, this in my humble opinion is a 1/48 scale model kit.

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This model kit can almost be assembled entirely as a snap tite model with little to no cement required in many areas. I did use cement on the chairs and cockpit but other than that no cement was used. The landing gear can be removed and changed for ‘blanks’ in case you want to display your flying saucer kit in flight mode.

Colors are called in the instructions in RLM German colors. For the interior, I used Tamiya XF-53 Neutral Gray.  For the underside including cannons and landing gear, I used Tamiya XF-21 Sky replacing the RLM 76.
For the 2 top colors, I used Tamiya XF-22 RLM Grey and Testors Acryl Dunkelgrun RLM 71 (4781). Both colors were blended and faded with a much lighter shade of the XF-22 mixed with Tamiya XF-2 FLat White. The yellow bands do come as decals but they were painted with Tamiya Flat Yellow XF-3. The swastika is not included with the kit but it came from a set of swastikas from AeroMaster. Nice set and AFAIK is no longer available. Pinwash with AK-075. By the way, the decal sheet provided with the kit is of great quality -Cartograf-.

No doubt about it. This is a nice addition to my 1/48 German aircraft collection. It was a pleasant build from the get go.
Definitely Recommended!


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Author: George Collazo

George has been hosting review sites and blogging about toy collectibles, travel, digital photography and Nikon digital imaging since 1998. His first model kit build was a Testors 1/35 DODGE WC-54 in 1984.

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