No more ‘Mig’ at AK Interactive

Well, some news spread like wildfire. In an open letter posted on Facebook, Mr. Fernando Vallejo Calleja announced that Miguel ‘Mig’ Jimenez will no longer be part of AK Interactive Products. My experience with AK Interactive Products has been very positive. They are great products made from the ground up from model builders to model builders. We have purchased our own share of washes and filters. Thru Iain Hamilton from AK Interactive USA, we have received some samples for special projects upon request with no hesitation and willingful support to this site.

We take no sides. AK is a great product for modelers and ‘Mig’ has worked hard to promote it. I just hope that this issue gets resolved for the best of all those involved but most important, us model kit builders around the world.

Note: Some folks are calling a boycott to Vallejo Paints. Let me say that Acrylicos Vallejo has nothing to do with this as they are different entities. Vallejo in Spain is as common as Smith here in the states.



Fernando Vallejo Calleja, President and owner at AK-INTERACTIVE S.L., has the duty to inform to all his suppliers, dealers, clients and public the following statement:

From the 9th October 2013 AK-INTERACTIVE S.L. has ended the collaboration that had with the modeler Miguel Jimenez, better known as MIG Jimenez.
This way AK-INTERACTIVE, at the date of 10th of October, has also ended his collaboration with Carlos Cuesta.

The reasons to dispense with the services of Mr. Jimenez and Mr. Cuesta are strictly professionals, due to certain behaviours committed they have caused an irretrievable loss of the essential trust needed to keep on with the collaboration maintained until now which has been so profitable for both sides and for all the modeling world.

So as said, from now on neither Miguel MIG Jimenez, nor Carlos Cuesta have any relations with AK-INTERACTIVE S.L., and also they do not have the authorization from AK-INTERACTIVE S.L. to use any of the trademarks own by the company and also for the use of AK acronym in any way, with the only exception relative to The weathering magazine and its webpage associated.

This way make also clear that Elisabeth Wiesse, girlfriend of Mr. Jimenez, has never had or has any kind of relation with AK-INTERACTIVE S.L., and that her appearances in the models shows of Mr. Jimenez, a her interventions in the Facebook pages and other media have been made a purely personal fact, due to the romantic relationship between them, and with the direct suggestion of Mr. Jimenez, and not from AK-INTERACTIVE S.L.

AK  INTERACTIVE S.L. informs that with the agreements already signed with Mr. Jimenez, any of the rights concerning the magazine property of AK-INTERACTIVE S.L. The wheathering magazine and its associated webpage will be transferred to Mr. Jimenez.
So as said, and from this date on, any matter relative to “the Weathering Magazine” should be treated directly with Miguel MIG Jimenez.

Reiterate that from this date on, NO MATTER RELATIVE TO AK-INTERACTIVE S.L. MUST BE MADE thorugh MIGUEL MIG JIMENEZ, nor CARLOS CUESTA, nor ELISABETH WIESSE, now that that they dont have any relation with the company.

AK-INTERACTIVE S.L., and its President, founder and owner Mr. FERNANDO VALLEJO CALLEJA, they will go on with its activity as always, although without Mr. Jimenez’s collaboration, investigating, innovating and developing products and publications for all modeling branches, joining forces with the best modelers in the world, and of course keeping contact with all modeling lovers through our webpage, e-mails, facebook and our forums; all this to achieve that our customers, the modelers, can get to make real all their dreamed projects and get better everyday in their passion for scale models, which is what AK-INTERACTIVE S.L. and all of his team stand for.
Many thanks to all.


President, founder and owner.


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Here is a link to the Facebook post. There you can read a bag of mixed reactions in English and Spanish. Some of them in *my personal opinion* on the emotional side.


Shortly after, Mig Jiménez posted a open letter as well:

-Mr. Mig Jimenez, Mr. Carlos Cuesta, Miss Elizabeth Wiese, Mr. Iain Hamilton and Mr. Rick Lawer want to inform all of their friends and associates who have been with us all these three years of “AK Interactive” the following:

– Mr. Mig Jimenez was the creator of “AK Interactive” along with Mr. Fernando Vallejo 3 years ago. From the very first moment Mr. Mig Jimenez and Mr. Fernando Vallejo agreed that the company “AK Interactive” belonged to both of them. Mr. Mig Jimenez just put his trust in his friend, Mr. Fernando Vallejo, since Mr. Mig Jimenez never came to be included in the legal documents and records of the company. More here »»

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Author: George Collazo

George has been hosting review sites and blogging about toy collectibles, travel, digital photography and Nikon digital imaging since 1998. His first model kit build was a Testors 1/35 DODGE WC-54 in 1984.

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