AZTEK Airbrushes

I’ve seen the odd trend on some model building forums of being like an outcast on the model building community. Some folks even refer to it as AZ-CRAP. Well, that’s not my point of view based on little over 12 years using Aztek Airbrushes. So that’s a long time to verse my opinion about Aztek. Let me tell you, recently I purchased upon recommendation at my local hobby shop a brand spanking new Paasche Talon airbrush. Most users myself included, it is a GREAT airbrush too. Truth is that my Paasche stays in my drawer most of the time.

More on the Aztek airbrush set after this link:

As good as it is, model building time is a commodity for most if not all modelers. So why add up more time or better say, why have less time building because one has to clean the airbrush so often? That’s one area I favor AZTEK so much. A second you are spaying NATO GREEN, the next your spraying NATO BACK or NATO BROWN. All without moving to the sink or cleaning area to lay a different color.

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The Aztek nozzle system give me so much freedom and saves me so much precious time that I can translate to time building models instead of cleaning airbrushes. I might sound like I’m being paid by Testors (I wish) but this is very true. I can lay 3 different colors on my models very easy. Lets say your about to airbrush your model with 3 different colors. You can easily using the cups on your left have the 3 colors ready, flush clean the nozzle every time you use a different color. These cups are designed to be removed and they won’t spill the paint while you work with other colors. Throw them in clean water if you are using acrylics or thinner if you’re using enamels and take care of the cleaning when you’re modeling sessions is over. Same goes to the nozzles.

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Another myth is the nozzle system not being durable. Well, how durable is subjective. I have nozzles that I’ve been using for over 10 years without a hitch and I won’t lie, I have lost some. But its been my solely fault. Keep those nozzles clean after your modeling session is over and they will last a very long time. Here is a hint, I own all the nozzles from the AZTEK line, but I have 2 Tan Nozzles (for fine detail) and 2 Turquoise Nozzles. Should I need 2 colors in one airbrushing sessions, they are standing by for me.

The picture set above is from Unimax 1/72 Abrams M1-A1 and a Bradley M3-A2. They are simple $4.99 military toys. In one afternoon with my youngest son, we decided to build this fictitious diorama. I know, there are no details, they are not model kits. But is was a fun and quick project by made very easy with an Aztek Airbrush System. I use acrylics for the most part, Acryl and Tamiya Colors and thinned as they should be, they flow nice and easy with the Aztek’s Tan Nozzle.


Use your airbrush of choice, but don’t get the Testors out of your possibilities because a few purists at some modeling forum prefers and Iwata, Paasche, Tamiya or some other airbrush. Well, I’m not saying they are bad, just that Aztek is a great choice if you consider it when buying and airbrush. Over a decade using Testor’s Aztek, knock on wood, and the only time I needed service, Testors sent me a replacement NO questions asked.

Happy Airbrushing!

Author: George Collazo

George has been hosting review sites and blogging about toy collectibles, travel, digital photography and Nikon digital imaging since 1998. His first model kit build was a Testors 1/35 DODGE WC-54 in 1984.

1 thought on “AZTEK Airbrushes

  1. Nice review! I have been thinking of purchasing my first airbrush and was lookoing at the Aztek. Nice to see some positive comments on the system.

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