A little bit of history on the Bismarck:
Bismarck battleship is a world-famous German battleship in World War II.The ship commenced in 1936, in service in August 1940, full-load displacement of 50,000 tons, the largest battleship in the world at that time. Bismarck was a symbol of Nazi Germany Navy ships armed, and well, perfect protection, known as “the unsinkable sea fortress”, but it was sunk after the implementation of its first combat mission.
The ship in the Denmark Strait sea battle, the Bismarck in the war less than ten minutes after the sinking of HMS Hood Battlecruisers known as the British Royal Navy proud. But by the Ark Royal aircraft carrier take-off of the Swordfish torpedo bombers launched torpedoes hit the Bismarck, the Bismarck’s rudder jammed, unable to control the direction of the normal navigation. The next morning, Bismarck was finally surrounded by the British fleet in the continuous onslaught by nearly two hours after Bismarck finally sank in the Atlantic Ocean.
The all New kit from Trumepter Models:
The famed Kriegsmarine battleship and the lead ship in his class.
This new kit features single-piece full hull, single-piece main deck with engraved plank texture, highly detailed multi-layer superstructure, foredeck breakwaters, fully represented weapon suite (15 inch main battery, 5.9 inch secondary battery and anti-aircraft guns, 4.1 inch, 37mm and 20mm), gun directors and range finders, Arado Ar 196 seaplane, excellent ship’s boat, cranes, double-ended catapult, filigree hull and deck fittings, cable reels, life rafts, fine upper masts and yard arms.
And yes, there’s more:
Clear-molded searchlights, brass anchor chain and photo-etch parts (vertical and inclined ladders, accommodation ladders, radar antennae, search light frames, platform details, vent and skylight panels, depth charge racks, foot rails, turret and AA gun fine accents, catwalks, catapult cover plates, funnel grille, seaplane canopy frame, boat details, crane pulleys with cable, etc.)
Also includes accurately reproduced 15 inch main gun turret and barbette with detailed interior and turned metal gun barrels. Completed ship model is approximately 49.8″ long. Color painting guide illustrates Baltic camouflage (port and starboard profiles with overhead plan view) and decals representing aircraft insignia, deck air recognition markings and Kriegsmarine battle flags.

I am retired now and decided to take up modeling for fun. I am building the Trumpeter Hood 1/200. I probably would have been better off with something less ambitious, but I am enjoying myself and there will be fewer mistakes the next time around. I was thinking of the Trumpeter Bismarck after the Hood, but since it was the first in the 1/200 class I was wondering about the quality. What do you guy think?
How much should Tamiya paint be thinned for air brush use.
Thanks Ken
George, I seem to be the only one contributing to this review. I have a couple of pictures of putting the hull on the base. Would you like them anyway? I can actually take pictures all through the making of the Bismarck the way I did the Missouri. I haven’t heard from you but I suppose you got those.
Sorry Terry, I could have sworn that I contacted you but I could be wrong so my most sincere apology. Please, feel free to send your pictures in to my personal inbox: george.collazo (at) modelkitsreview.com
Does anybody know where you can get 1/200 kriegsmarine flags that are correct? They either leave the swastika out completely or put it on backwards or make it so it is not complete. I know it represented an evil empire but so did the japanese battle flag at the time and they don’t change that one.
I have this model and I’m building it now. The only thing the author of this article got wrong is that he says it is a one piece hull. That isn’t true. There is a cut-out in the lower bow that is made into two pieces. The two pieces have to be glued together and then glued onto the hull. To get it right takes some putty and sanding before painting. I also recommend getting the ArtwoxModel wooden decking and the Eduard photo-etchings for the ship.
Thanks for pointing out that mistake from me. This information was provided by Trumpeter back when this kit was announced and the post made in October 25, 2012. If you could provide me a picture for the benefit of our visitors I will greatly appreciate it.
No problem George. I do have one picture where you can make out where part is. It’s not the best picture but you can make out the parts by the white putty on the bow. I can’t take any more pictures because I have already painted the hull and you can’t see it.
George again. Thank you so much for sharing your work in progress picture. I
have no trouble here seeing it and checked on 2 computers more and
there’s no problem with your picture either. Please do let me know if
you still can’t see it.
I would definitely love to see your Bismark finished. If you want and you can, feel free to send your pictures in to: info (at) modelkitsreview.com.
I can see it now, George. and I will be happy to send you a finished picture. I could also take periodic pictures as I go along. I also just finished a 1/200 USS Missouri and have some good shots of that if you are interested. My e-mail is trlrcornell@me.com Let me know what you think.
I absolutely would love to see and showcase here those pictures from your Missouri Terry. You can them over to: george.collazo (@) modelkitsreview.com.
George, I uploaded the picture but it isn’t showing on this post. If you can’t see it, I can send it by my e-mail which is terryr512@gmail.com Feel free to write me if you want.
I bought the original Matchbox kit when it first came out. It was fun to build and also to motorize and install RC equipment. The model ran wonderfully in the local ponds
but after a year the plastic started to get brittle. Very poor quality. Hope the Revell is better.