Revell LaFerrari 1/24

Ferrari’s first venture into the hybrid market is a stunning success. Equipped with a standard V12 gasoline engine and a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS), the LaFerarri’s combined drivetrain can deliver 950 horsepower. That extraordinary amount of power makes the LaFerrari the fastest street-legal car Ferrari has ever produced. Just under five hundred of these carbon-fiber constructed marvels will be sold to buyers willing and able to meet the 1.5 million dollar price tag.

1/24 Revell LaFerrari


1/24 LaFerrari Plastic Model Kit

  • Kit #: 85-4332
  • Skill Level 3
  • Scale: 1/24
  • Length: 7-11/16″
  • Width: 3-5/16″
  • Height: 1-3/8″
  • Parts: 141
  • Full detail V12 engine
  • Lift-off rear section
  • Molded in White
  • 7 Speed Transmission
  • Water Slide Decals
  • MSRP: $24.99 (USD)

Finally we can get this model kit without having to pay the extra premium involved on the Revell of Germany release. The new Revell 1/24 Laferrari arrived to my office a few weeks ago and honestly I couldn’t put it down.  The first thing I did noticed was the quality of the plastic compared to the slightly older 1/24 Revell Ferrari Enzo. The body shell feels sturdier than the Enzo kit including the chassis. The kit is pretty much free of any flash and mold lines are kept at bay.  As with the Tamiya counterpart, I noticed that this kit has the same problem with the tires. Although it comes with nicely molded Bridgestone Potenza tires, the rightful ones for a brand spanking new Laferrari are Pirelli P Zero OE tires.

This model kit was assembled straight out of the box and there was no wrestling to make any particular part fit properly. However when I tried to match the body shell to the chassis I encountered some fit problems. The rear side of the shell wouldn’t slip on the ‘lips’ of the chassis. If there’s something I don’t like is to over handle and nicely painted car model. My mistake was not doing a dry fit test before committing to paint. I should have known better.

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The good thing about my mistake is that since the body was already painted, the shaved areas went back to the bare white plastic; so my mistake was your gain because I took a picture of the area I’m referring to and you can look at it on the pictures below. Should I had done this slight mod on the unpainted plastic, it would have been harder to explain even on a photo. Once this was fixed, the chassis and shell fell together like a glove. In fact, I didn’t even had to touch up the paint on those areas because they fell under the ‘exhaust lip’ of the chassis.

The clear parts are not overly thick with no flow marks to be worried about. The decal sheet has a very thin film carrier and over a glossy finish the chances of getting any silvering are zero.

As most modern exotic cars, the Laferrari comes with plenty of carbon fiber parts. If you want to go the extra mile (or 2) with this model kit, I will suggest you to get an after market sheet of carbon fiber decals. It will be time consuming but I know that it will be time well spent.  All vent grilles are represented as decals on this kit or as a fine plastic wire mesh. Either one can be applied to your model via clear parts glued to them. I opted for the more time consuming wire mesh with no clear parts to support them. The included mesh gives a more realistic look even thought the pattern is square and not in a honeycomb shape. One has to be very patient with this mesh. I highly recommend a pair of good scissors or a fresh #11 exacto blade. This mesh is very prone to get frayed and usually when it happens, it ruins the whole part so patience is key here.

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Although you can’t notice from the pictures below, my model is ready to get these grilles replaced (little Testors clear glue was used) with a photo etch set as soon as it becomes available from any third party provider. Revell please, DO include a photo etch set for it. The kit really deserves it and we will more than happy pay for extra for the trouble. This can be done and the kit will still be at a very low price compared to the other brand’s offering.  Another nice touch to this model is that it has a separate piece to depict the roof interior instead of a bare plastic with the usual ejection pin marks.

This model was painted with Tamiya Italian Red TS-8 spray paint. The chrome on the parts was stripped with oven cleaner and repainted with a light coat of  Alclad 2 Duraluminum over an Alclad 2 Gloss Black base. The stop lights were painted with Tamiya Clear Red x-27.  The clear parts on the head lamps have 2 coats of Tamiya Smoke X-19. The roof was painted with Testors Enamel Gloss Black.


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I’m nitpicking here so bear with me. When this model was pressed under the Revell of Germany label, it was injected in red. As with most if not all Revell USA car models is now injected in white styrene. For a model builder that seldom prime his models, paint his car models with spray paint and this model in particular has some crevices in its real car design, having it molded in red would be very helpful. Other than that, the Revell Laferrari 1/24 is a highly recommended kit in my book.

My sincere thanks to Revell USA for providing us with the review sample. Look for this model kit at your favorite local hobby shop or any of our site supporters on the right side of the page.

Author: George Collazo

George has been hosting review sites and blogging about toy collectibles, travel, digital photography and Nikon digital imaging since 1998. His first model kit build was a Testors 1/35 DODGE WC-54 in 1984.

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