Model Kits Review has been possible all these years thanks to the unconditional support of many individuals. If it wasn’t for them, it would have been harder than it already is to be an independent publisher. This all started for the passion of model building, in an extra empty room in our house. A year later it was evident that a room in the house wasn’t going to cut it. So I had to move my desk and workbench to
this available space (click on the marker) in order to make this whole idea work the way I wanted.

It was commitment what drove me and my beloved wife to do it. This is a small family endeavor. Contrary to the popular belief, not everything entered on the website comes as ”freebies”. Plenty of models, supplies and other needs are obtained like any other modeler would via local hobby shops which we strongly and unconditionally support as well.

To all those behind the following companies, we want to say thank you, thank you very much.