Nuts & Bolts Volume 32: The Medium Cross country Lorries 3 ton (6×4) of the Reichswehr and Wehrmacht

After the release of the Nuts & Bolts Maultier book, the publisher decided to add a new book with the information on the unarmored other cross country trucks. I had bought many of the new kits coming from ICM, MiniArt, I(BG, and others so this reference was perfectly timed. This is a hefty book at 224 pages not including the heavier covers which also are used. A total of four hundred seventy six images are found of which two hundred eighty three are archival. One hundred forty eight photographs of examples in museums. Last, are forty five photographs covering Tony Greenland’s and Vinnie Brannigan’s exceptional models.

Captions are in depth and informative. The center of the book has scale plans and three quarter views drafted by John L. Rue. These cover the Bussing Nag III GL 6 Werkstattkraftwagen (Kfz.79),   Bussing ?Nag KD mittlerer gelandegangiger Lastkraftwagen, offen (0(,  Henschel 33 D1 mittlerer gelandegangiger Lastkraftwagen, offen (0),  Henschel 33 D1 Fernsprechbetriebskraftwagen (Kfz. 72), Henschel 33 D1 Funkbetriebskraftwagen (Kfz. 72),  Krupp L3 H63 Fernsprechbetriebskraftwagen (Kfz. 72), Krupp L3 H163 Bildkraftwagen (Kfz. 354), Mercedes-Benz LG 3000 Pionierkraftwagen I, Einbausatz a, Mercedes-Benz LG 3000 Flugbetirebsstoff-Kesselkraftwagen (Kfz. 384) Serie 17T, and Mercedes-Benz LG 3000 Flugbetirebsstoff-Kesselkraftwagen (Kfz. 384) Serie 3T.

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Carlos de Diego has sixteen color profiles with all showing thumbnail images of the photographs on which they are based. Of these, many have the page number where a larger size of the image can be found. Text is included which provides a nice history, several tables and distribution charts, along with a bibliography. There is a preface with technical description, production chapter, the rocket launchers in service, variants, then next are the deployment, Camouflage and markings, and models. It is worth mentioning that the captions are most informative and the images (as well as the text section) covering the trucks will come a long way towards detailing kits from those mentioned earlier. The inner pages of the covers are used as a gallery for the modeling section by Tony Greenland. His wok is inspirational.  Vinnie Brannigan’s build is incredible as well 2 3 4 5 6 7.Cover

The bottom line is simple; this is a great book and will inspire many builds and hopefully a few aftermarket sets and kits. You can order the book directly from Nuts & and pay using PayPal, recipient being
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Author: Saul Garcia

I have been building models for most of my life. Suffering from terminal AMS, I have not been able to build OOB until my son's birth and his room's ceiling seemed empty.

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