Just in!
Last week we posted a short review of the awesome Sealf-Healing mats from our friends over at TANKRAFT.COM. Today we were notified that new designs are on their way to their website.

Above a picture provided by Tankraft of their upcoming Mustang P-51D cutting mat.

There can not be a Mustang P-51 cutting board and not having a Spitfire cutting mat available for the army of fans out there in the modeling community.

Of course, you can not forget and it would be unforgivable not to include a German Tiger 1 tank cutting mat. No word on a BF-109 or a Messerschmit Me-163 but I wouldn’t be surprised to see them included within their next update. Remember, TANKRAFT offers a $9.99 flat shipping rate within the USA. Adding an extra mat(s) to your order will save you enough for almost an extra one. Look for this upcoming release by October 2020.