Model Making Terms Explained

As model makers, we often talk in strange abbreviations when referring to models, model parts or anything else related to our hobby.

To the uninitiated, it seems confusing, and reading a post with so many abbreviations can be much like translating hieroglyphics.

But fear not good modeller. I have taken the time to compile the most often used model making abbreviations and translated them to common terms than any layperson can understand.

I present to you:

Hairy stick – a stick, that has hair on the end, that can be used to apply paint to a model.

WIP – “work in progress” or “why I procrastinate!”

C&C – not Command and Conquer – It means You are looking for “Comments and Critique.” Beware – uttering this phrase in certain circles or groups will unleash the spawn of all that is evil – the…..

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Rivet Counter – see C&C – is a person who obsesses over the total accuracy of a historical subject, or in the case of fantasy and Sci Fi – it’s canonical appearances.  The are often observed licking paint to see if it has the correct pigmentation for “RAF light but not quite as light as neutral grey grey ” that is used on the upper-lower landing strut on a particular plane.

Shelf Queen – this is a model that despite all good intentions on your part, will never be completed. You lie to yourself and say “one day!” and maybe you even pick it up and move it to your bench, only to be returned back to the….

Shelf of Doom – that dark place all the partially built kits from hell go.  Usually covered in paint, and tears….

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Stash – your pile of un-started models. When questioned by your spouse as to the cost, you automatically reduce the price by 75% or more.

STABLE stash – STash Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy… Describing huge stashes that hoarders…sorry, “collectors” have no hope of completion.

Carpet Monster – the black hole of model parts. An unsteady hand or overzealous nipper will often feed this beast at the most inopportune time.  Searching is useless – the part will reappear on its own, many months later after you have binned the model in frustration.

OTB – On the Bench – your current model that you are working on, closely followed by Onto The Bin when those fuselages won’t line up!  Damn you Airfix!!!!!!

Kit-bashing – when you hate a particular brand so much that you complain about them on every social media post you can! I am looking at you Airfix!

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Sink hole – a mode so inaccurate you need to sink tons of money into PE and aftermarket parts to make it look decent!

Weathering – a technique designed to cover all flaw in paint or construction techniques.

So there you have it. Model making and our terms demystified!  I obviously took a bit of a tongue in cheek approach to my definitions, but I hope you got a chuckle out of the lighter side of our hobby.

Author: Andrew Thomas

Sci-Fi models mega fan

5 thoughts on “Model Making Terms Explained

    1. I believe that OOB means Out of Box. Let’s see what Andrew comes up with on his second installment of this post.

  1. Kitbashing is the practice of using specific parts from various kits as greeblies for another purpose, typically fictional spacecraft. I’ve never heard “Kitbashing” used in the way you described.

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