Next time you go t a family or friends reunion where they serve pastries, don’t forget to ask for the empty container. This containers from pastries come mostly from the mega store. I find them very useful when painting automobile model kits or anything else that will be hi-gloss. With armor and aircraft I tend to be more flexible but still use these after that gloss coat before decals.
I paint my model kits in the paint booth and keep these next to them. As soon as I finish the paint job, I quickly enclose the model in one of these. That way I keep dust particles falling on the still fresh clear coat. I don’t polish model kit automobiles. Kudos to those who actually do it. A dust particle whether you polish or not could ruin your model finish.
One can even use them as cheap display cases for single models and/or keep the dust away from that large laborious diorama you made.
Don’t throw away those empty CD spindles. They are very nice you paint many parts from your model kits especially the body on automobile models.