Make the move to mechatronics.
Direct from Japan’s Chubu Mechatronics, MechatroWeGo mecha robots have taken the world by storm! These innovative, child-sized transports are the world’s smallest mecha robots, built for carrying kids to school, soccer
practice – and everywhere else in between. Mechatrobots have made carpooling obsolete, leaving parents with more time to take care of everyday errands.
The only thing mecha robots are missing? An alarm that ensures the kids are home in time for dinner!

Kit Combo Features:
• Two MechatroWeGo models per package, each with:
• Movable joints
• Head and body hatches can be open or closed
• Boy and girl operator figures
- Total Parts (x 2): 73
- Height: 2.95 in (75 mm)
HSGS6509 1/35 Aka & Kiiro (Red/Yellow/Grey) $27.99
HSGS6510 1/35 Milk & Cacao (White/Black/Green) $27.99
HSGS6511 1/35 Mizuiro & Momoiro (Blue/Pink/White) $27.99