Flash Master Hobby Flexible Blades

Flexible blade does what a Number 11 can't

Arriving in a tiny container, less than a quarter the volume of a traditional No. 11 blade tube, are a new product from FlashMasterHobby.com:

Ten blades are within and they are made from thin metal.

The most important thing is to find a handle that can grip the thin blade. You can also cheat and superglue a piece of PE brass to the section to be inserted into the blade handle to ensure a tight grip. Here, I am using Excel’s Fit Grip handle.

The long straight side (not the angled one) is the sharp edge. It does bend easily and returns to its straight original attitude.

Here, I am using it to shave off the raised pin mark on a Tamiya F-15C front fuselage interior.

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Well into 4 weeks and finally the bend is noticeable and the blade is a bit duller in spots along the cutting edge (remember, there are ten blades so I still have nine replacements left):

Click on Flash Master Hobby‘s website to learn more or order directly from Flash Master Hobby. The ten pack is only $9.90USD plus shipping. PayPal accepted.

Author: Saul Garcia

I have been building models for most of my life. Suffering from terminal AMS, I have not been able to build OOB until my son's birth and his room's ceiling seemed empty.

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