Aztek, my airbrush of choice

And the question still arrives at my inbox. What airbrush do you recommend for modeling?  This is a question that I don’t have a definitive answer for. There are many good airbrush systems out there and one (or several) might work for you. As I shared almost a year ago, I own a Badger Velocity and a Paasche Talon airbrush. Problem is, that I’ve been using the Aztek airbrush system for nearly 13 years now. Back in the day, my first airbrush was an Aztek model 1000-S that I used with airbrush propellant. It was a very good start for a novice, but soon I realized 2 things:

Aztek A-470 Airbrush

click to enlarge

1st, the minute you spend $10+ on airbrush propellant, you’re at loss. That money can go immediately to your air compressor funds. Sure, airbrush propellant sounds like an immediate solution and it is, but not without immediate limitations. Forget about a long airbrush session or intricate details with propellant. First, you don’t have a regulator to control the PSI output on your airbrush. Second, as you use your airbrush, the propellant starts to get very cold and the pressure starts to fluctuate. If you still insist on using your airbrush with propellant, you can help a little by placing the can in a pot with warm water. And I said warm, not hot.

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2nd: I soon realized that even with an air compressor, my Aztek 1000-S had its limitations being a single action airbrush. It is not that you want it, it is that you need the control only a double action airbrush will provide you. So whatever you do (if your budget allows it), try to get a double action airbrush, you’ll end up with one anyways.

As for my loyalty to Aztek, I don’t get paid or I’m sponsored by Testors for saying this. I’m just versing my opinion as any other happy user would. We go back 13 years and I’m simply used to the Aztek nozzle system. It saves me a lot of time that I rather use on my workbench. Instead of cleaning and fiddling with tiny airbrush parts and needles, I’m working with a model. That’s why my Paasche Talon and Badger Velocity barely see any work. To be honest, they are just decorative pieces next to my built models on the shelves.

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Probably you will find a lot of bad rap about the Aztek airbrush system. I have found it to be a great product and capable of working as advertised. Every model kit built and showcased on this site has been painted, camouflaged and detailed with my Aztek A470 metal body and/or the plastic version. Ergonomics seem like a late priority for most airbrush manufacturers. To me, that’s a BIG + for Aztek, especially when you want to fine detail-free hand.

Author: George Collazo

George has been hosting review sites and blogging about toy collectibles, travel, digital photography and Nikon digital imaging since 1998. His first model kit build was a Testors 1/35 DODGE WC-54 in 1984.

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