Welcome to the latest edition of Workbench and your regular update from the fascinating world of Airfix modelling. We begin our latest blog with the exciting news that we have a BIG announcement for you this week and something that Workbench readers will be the first to hear about. You’ve been waiting for news of our 2017 range, and as we build towards the full 2017 range announcement we have the first exclusive reveal of a 2017 model.

Clearly, this fantastic news will be the main focus of our latest edition of Workbench, but before we begin, we would just like to say a few words regarding our previous blog, which looked back at the 2013 project to re-tool the mighty Avro Lancaster, in time to mark the 70th Anniversary of the famous ‘Dambusters’ raid. We would like to thank everyone who kindly sent us their e-mails and social media comments in support of this edition and particularly regarding the diorama build feature submitted by David Lean from Australia.
Please click here for more on the exciting Airfix Me 262 A-1a Schwalbe.