Development In 1937 the War Department identified a need for a new FAT to supplement, and then replace, the Light Dragon and Morris CDSWs then in service. A specification was issued for a four-wheeled, four-wheel-drive vehicle, with winch, on a short chassis. It had to have a sloped all-metal body to facilitate chemical decontamination, be able to carry a 16-inch gun wheel, or gun traversing platform, on the roof. Further, it had to be capable of carrying 24 complete rounds of 25 pdr ammunition in their boxes, and at least 8 boxed anti-tank shells, together with gun stores and kit for six personnel.
Guy Motors produced their design quite quickly using existing components, and Morris followed with theirs. It was a conventional design evolved from the CS8, but included a brand-new four-cylinder engine which was mounted on a subframe and not directly onto the chassis. Like the Guy, it had a very characteristic ‘beetle back’ shape with numerous external and internal lockers.
The first Morris C8 Quad was delivered on October 1939 and it then stayed in production until 1945. There were two major changes to the mechanical side of the vehicle and two independent ones to the body. The engine/chassis design was used on other Morris types, such as the C8 15 cwt truck, and a long-wheelbase version was used to produce a self-propelled Bofors Light Anti-Aircraft Tractor.
Tamiya 1/35 Quad Gun Tractor
Tamiya’s 1/35th Quad Gun Tractor has a stamp mold date that goes back to 1974. This kit as seen on the pictures below was built straight out of the box. As perhaps you may have read, this kit does not have a busy console detail wise. After looking around for pictures of the Quad Gun Tractor, there is not much in the cabin leaving the modeler with plenty of room to take artistic license. I added a bar on the inside of the doors because I’m planning a vignette with it and I haven’t decided if I’ll be displaying it with any of the 2 doors open.
Kit Assembly: Putting this model kit together is a very straight forward deal. All parts fit together very nice and for a model kit this old, no major fit problems between chassis and cabin. The chain comes from the bead section from Michaels. There is room to add scratch build stowage, steel cables, spare tire or whatever you want to add.
Painting the Quad Gun Tractor: Between pictures of restored Quad Gun Tractors, some of them in service and some vague info I was able to find, this kit was painted with Tamiya XF-59 Dessert Yellow and Vallejo Bronze-Green for the interior. It was painted with my trusty AZTEK A470 airbrush using the Tan Nozzle and the Red Spatter Nozzle for the chassis weathering. Vallejo Pigments were used as well with Tamiya Weathering Powders.
Your whole description refers to MORRIS Quad which would be British ,the model is of the CANADIAN CMP Quad (FORD or CHEVY) which although based on the British requirement is considerablely different in the cab area and made half the world away! i.e in Canada.
Jeff, thanks you so much for bringing in this useful information. I personally was unaware of this. Thanks again mate.