3D Printed Hangar Bay for Revell/Zvezda 1/2700 Star Destroyer

Our upcoming Star Wars 1/2700 Star Destroyer from Revell (previously Zvezda) project is on a temporary halt. Meanwhile, we managed to get a review sample from the folks at Falcon 3D parts in Canada. It arrived nicely packaged and needless to say, well protected for the trip to the ole USA. Let state ahead of time that personally I don’t know the gears of 3D printing. I have either purchased or received samples from 3rd party vendors. There’s always something that somehow bothers me and that is the lines from the printing process which to me eyes look like banding on  a regular desktop photo printer.

This is however not the case on the new 3D printed hangar for the Star Destroyer from Falcon 3D. It is printed at 50 microns and the result is an exquisite detailed that resembles more a resin than a 3D printed upgrade part.  A single coat of primer will let you use this part literally our of the box without further cleaning.

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Do you need this hangar for your Revell or Zvezda Star Destroyer?

Most will feel fine with what is molded on the kit. However, if you want your Star Destroyer as close to the filming miniature possible this is the answer. The molded on detail with the kit it is not 100% screen accurate. The interior detail is vague and shallow and shallow as an in, literally, shallow. The 3D counterpart is slightly yet notably deeper. On top of the balconies -which is a huge improvement over the stock one-, there are holes to feed your fiber optic should you wish to light it up. There’s a pair of smaller entrances for the Shuttles and Tie Fighters that are missing on the kit. The detail on the adjacent border of the part is superior as well.

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Can I do this upgrade myself?

When it comes to model kit alterations there is always a natural risk.  In *my personal opinion* cutting open your model to add this hangar couldn’t be any easier. For this one I used a scribble tool.  If you don’t have one you can always use a pointy paneling nail or simply the back side of an old/dull #11 X-acto blade. Take your time and do it in mildly pressured passes. Took me like 10 minutes to open mine.  Use eye protection for this task. Slide the new part in and shave in small increments until the part falls onto place easily. After having that done, slide the part and trace around with a pencil. Shave off the relieved detail from the hull either with a sand stick or blade.

Did I mention that a 3D printed Blockade Runner is included? Oh yes! There is a nice 1/2700 Blockade Runner included with this hangar. Many folks are recommending the Blockade Runner from the Star Wars Miniatures game. I would personally save that money and put it towards this 3D printed hangar which already comes with the Corellian Corvette.

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I see myself placing an order for another one soon. Absolutely positively recommended!

My sincere thanks to Konstantin Danilov from Falcon 3D Parts for the review sample.

Building your Revell Star Destroyer and looking for help, suggestions, ideas or inspiration?

Check and join this Facebook Group for Star Destroyer builders.

Author: George Collazo

George has been hosting review sites and blogging about toy collectibles, travel, digital photography and Nikon digital imaging since 1998. His first model kit build was a Testors 1/35 DODGE WC-54 in 1984.

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