1/48 Japanese A6M5 Zero from Revell

When the Zero was designed, pilot survivability was not forefront in the minds of its creators. Speed, armament, maneuverability-all of these characteristics were at the absolute peak of their development, but the Zero’s lack of armor made it extremely vulnerable to return fire. As losses mounted, Japan simply ran out of trained pilots leaving the aeronautic engineering marvels that were the Zero firmly on the ground.


  • Highly detailed pieces molded in light gray and clear
  • Seated pilot figure
  • Center mounted external fuel tank
  • Turning prop
  • Waterslide decals
  • Illustrated instructions
  • MSRP: $16.99 USD


  • One decal sheet with markings for 2 versions:
  • 1 Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero “Zeke” 203rd Naval Air Group
  • 2 Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero “Zeke” 303rd Sen-tai, 203rd Koku-tai, Kagoshima, 1945 Pilot 1st Class Takeo Taminizu
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There was a void to fill on Revell’s 1/48 aircraft for this Japanese A6M5 Zero at this price range and here it is. This Revell A6M5 Zero model kit should be about to hit your local hobby shops or maybe already there at the time of this publication. The quality of this kit is on par with their 1/48 Mustang P-51, SBD Dauntless, German BF-109 etc. All the detail is raised and the cockpit is very basic. For its age, there is no flash to deal with and mould lines are kept to a minimum considering the tooling’s age.

This is a nice option for the young modeler and a basic model kit for the old model kit builder on a long hiatus looking forward to getting back to the hobby without breaking his/her wallet. I wish was wrong, but this is not a model a would expect to find at the well know crafts store. However since getting plastic model kits back in stock, seems to me like a good candidate for Walmart.

My sincere thanks to Revell USA for this review sample.
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Author: George Collazo

George has been hosting review sites and blogging about toy collectibles, travel, digital photography and Nikon digital imaging since 1998. His first model kit build was a Testors 1/35 DODGE WC-54 in 1984.

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