Wooden Mechanical Construction Kits by EWA is ready to launch on Kickstarter EWA EcoWoodArt Launches Kickstarter Campaign to Raise Funds for Wooden Mechanical Construction Kits EWA Team, a small group of Belarusian enthusiasts, is proud to announce the launch of Kickstarter campaign for project Wooden Mechanical Construction Kits. The plan is to raise $25000 and run a serial production of Wooden Kits. Launching is appointed on Tuesday, Sept 26, 9 am by US East Coast time. Project rewards include 9 construction kits, such as:
• Retro Car
• Belaz
• Trebuchet
• Ballista
• Scorpion
• Tank T-34
• Tank Lowe
• Self-propelled gun ISU-152
• Self-propelled gun Object 212
More information about the EWA’s Wooden Mechanical Construction Kits project you can find here (Kickstarter project preview page) at http://kck.st/2fkwdju. All related assets are available here: http://bit.ly/2yoGX84.
About the project: EWA models are construction kits made of natural high quality plywood with rubber band mechanical elements for DIY assembly without any tools. The market unique feature of EWA’s Construction kits is totally with safe materials which was used in process of creating the design of wooden mechanical models. Developed by EWA’s engineers, realistic and high detailed wooden models are reinforced by strong wooden locks and link, which allows to avoid toothpicks and fragile elements in structure of construction kits. Thus, EWA Team created exciting and breathtaking toy for teenagers and new fascinating hobby for adults.
Overall, this is an interesting entertainment and pastime for the whole family. EWA is a small team of enthusiasts from Belarus, cooperated in May 2016 by the idea to create fascinating construction kits of realistic mechanical models, made of natural, pure and totally safe materials. That’s why EWA Team devoted a lot of time and energy reaching such an ambitious goal to create brand new wooden mechanical construction kits and today is working even more hard, using our creativity and inspiration to design new wooden models that ensure entertaining spare time, stylish view and safety for people of all ages.
Contacts: Vladislav Krit Email: ewaoptewa@gmail.com
Web: www.eco-wood-art.com
Mobile/Skype/WhatsApp/Telegram/Viber: +375445584036